Saturday 12 March 2016

Banana Cookies

52 Weeks of Cookies: Week 37

Confession:  If I had to pick my favourite fruit it would likely be bananas.  If this banana shortage I keep hearing about is true I'm not going to be happy.  I'll be even less happy if bananas really are going extinct.

This isn't my first time making some banana cookies (you might recall my Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies which by the by I gave a 10/10... a little foreshadowing for you perhaps).

But I digress...

You can find the recipe on Cookies and Cups (and you should definitely ignore the comment that says they are horrible).

I really can't keep this to myself much longer... these cookies were SO GOOD!... I must confess that I often only make half a recipe because I don't want to be loaded down with all these cookies.  These ones I hummed and hawed over whether to half the recipe or not but I had 2 bananas that needed to either get frozen or used up so I made a full recipe... and I definitely do not regret it!

I didn't change a single thing about the recipe.  However, I did notice that in the frosting it calls for salt to be added but then in the instructions it never gets you to add it.  Naturally, I forgot to add it then but I imagine a good time to add it might be after you frost the cookies... just sprinkle a little on top?  

I'm not sure how the baker on Cookies and Cups managed to make hers so uniform... must be something that special cookie scooper does... I didn't have one so I used a teaspoon (because Confession... I always use a teaspoon as my cookie scooper).

Anyways, these are my unfrosted cookies... I tasted one that wasn't frosted and was skeptical if the frosting would improve on their quality... they were already SO GOOD.  So, if you don't want to add the frosting I think that's ok.  It will be like a banana load in cookie form!

unfrosted banana cookies

Here they are frosted!

frosted Banana Cookies

Remember how I said that telling you about the other Banana Cookies I made and how I gave them 10/10 could be some foreshadowing?  Well... it definitely was.  There is no other score I could give these other than a 10/10... unless it was higher than that... like 100/10.  But let's not get too crazy.

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