52 Weeks of Cookies: Week 18
This weeks cookies come from Deliciously Yum and in the spirit of Halloween I choose some halloweeny looking ones (because there is orange in them and brown and yes that's really the only way these are halloweeny.
I'm trying something new with my highly unprofessional pictures. What do you think?... if you're like me you don't really care much either way!
Anywho... I was skeptical about these cookies whilst making them for one reason. IT WAS SO DRY! Maybe I did something wrong (I don't think I did anything wrong) but when I went to put the dough in the fridge (I stuck it in there overnight - as per usual) the dough looked like sand and I thought to myself "this is the perfect recipe for if I need to make edible sand"... only now that I think of it the "sand" wouldn't be very edible because there is raw egg in there.
So yeah, it was dry. While forming the balls for the cookies I really had to smash the dough together and a bunch of the Reese's Pieces fell out. Every. Single. Time. At first I was all "hmm... I don't think I have enough in here" but then they kept falling out and naturally I kept eating them.
But I digress... the changes I made were few and simple
1) I bought the regular candy sized Reese's Pieces and then later found a bag of smaller sized ones in the baking aisle (but I already had the regular sized ones at home so I just stuck with these). Maybe if I would have used the smaller version they wouldn't have fallen out everywhere!
2) I don't know what kind of chocolate chunks were in the picture on the recipe page but I didn't look for them at the grocery store. I had regular semi sweet chocolate chips in my house so I used those.
3) This isn't a change... per say BUT when forming the balls I had great difficulty (as previously mentioned) and so I just really mashed them together into balls. Then, they pretty much stayed in those balls and didn't spread out because if I would have smashed them down even just a tiny bit I imagine they would have fallen apart.
The good news is that they were still very much edible when I got them out of the oven and even quite good. I wouldn't say they were "chewy" though. I'm not sure what "thick" is like either... but they were tasty.
HOWEVER, I think I could remake these with a better peanut butter cookie recipe and be a little more successful at it. For this reason I'm just going to go ahead and give these guys a 7/10 and I'm not really sorry for it... they shouldn't have been so crumbly!
Last week I made something that the chocolate lovers will really love Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Cookies.